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241 lines
Begin VB.UserControl Control3D
Appearance = 0 'Flat
BackStyle = 0 'Transparent
CanGetFocus = 0 'False
ClientHeight = 690
ClientLeft = 0
ClientTop = 0
ClientWidth = 765
ClipControls = 0 'False
Enabled = 0 'False
InvisibleAtRuntime= -1 'True
KeyPreview = -1 'True
PropertyPages = "Control3D.ctx":0000
ScaleHeight = 690
ScaleWidth = 765
ToolboxBitmap = "Control3D.ctx":001E
Begin VB.Image imgIcon
Height = 480
Left = 0
Picture = "Control3D.ctx":0330
Top = 0
Width = 480
Attribute VB_Name = "Control3D"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = True
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False
Attribute VB_Exposed = True
Attribute VB_Ext_KEY = "PropPageWizardRun" ,"Yes"
Option Explicit
Enum LineStyle
End Enum
Enum TagTest
Two = -1
None = 0
Inset = 1
Outset = 2
End Enum
Const VALID_CHARS = "012"
Dim NMask As String
Dim OutTag As String
Dim InTag As String
Dim Targets() As Control
Dim TargetCount As Integer
Dim NColor As Long
Dim SColor As Long
Dim HColor As Long
Dim AdjustX As Integer
Dim AdjustY As Integer
Property Get HighlightColor() As OLE_COLOR
HighlightColor = HColor
End Property
Property Let HighlightColor(NewColor As OLE_COLOR)
HColor = NewColor
PropertyChanged "HighlightColor"
End Property
Property Get ShadowColor() As OLE_COLOR
ShadowColor = SColor
End Property
Property Let ShadowColor(NewColor As OLE_COLOR)
SColor = NewColor
PropertyChanged "ShadowColor"
End Property
Property Get NeutralColor() As OLE_COLOR
NeutralColor = NColor
End Property
Property Let NeutralColor(NewColor As OLE_COLOR)
NColor = NewColor
PropertyChanged "NeutralColor"
End Property
Property Get InsetTag() As String
Attribute InsetTag.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = "General"
InsetTag = InTag
End Property
Property Let InsetTag(NewTag As String)
InTag = NewTag
PropertyChanged "InsetTag"
End Property
Property Get OutsetTag() As String
Attribute OutsetTag.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = "General"
OutsetTag = OutTag
End Property
Property Let OutsetTag(NewTag As String)
OutTag = NewTag
PropertyChanged "OutsetTag"
End Property
Property Get NumberMask() As String
Attribute NumberMask.VB_ProcData.VB_Invoke_Property = "General"
NumberMask = NMask
End Property
Property Let NumberMask(NewMask As String)
NMask = CheckMask(NewMask)
PropertyChanged "NumberMask"
End Property
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
AdjustX = Screen.TwipsPerPixelX
AdjustY = Screen.TwipsPerPixelY
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_InitProperties()
OutTag = "/out"
InTag = "/in"
SColor = vb3DShadow
HColor = vb3DHighlight
NColor = vb3DFace
NMask = "11111"
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_ReadProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
HColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("HighlightColor", vb3DHighlight)
SColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("ShadowColor", vb3DShadow)
NColor = PropBag.ReadProperty("NeutralColor", vb3DFace)
OutTag = PropBag.ReadProperty("OutsetTag", "/out")
InTag = PropBag.ReadProperty("InsetTag", "/in")
NMask = PropBag.ReadProperty("NumberMask", "1111")
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Resize()
UserControl.Size imgIcon.Width, imgIcon.Height
End Sub
Private Sub FindTargetControls()
Dim ActiveObject, i As Integer
Dim ValidTarget As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
For Each ActiveObject In UserControl.Parent.Controls
ValidTarget = False
ValidTarget = CheckForTag(ActiveObject) > 0
If ActiveObject.Name = Ambient.DisplayName Then ValidTarget = False
If ValidTarget Then
TargetCount = TargetCount + 1
ReDim Preserve Targets(1 To TargetCount)
Set Targets(TargetCount) = ActiveObject
End If
Next ActiveObject
End Sub
Public Sub PaintTargetControls()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Dim LineMode As LineStyle
For i = 1 To Len(NMask)
LineMode = CInt(Left(Right(NMask, i), 1))
For j = 1 To TargetCount
DrawLine LineMode, Targets(j), i
Next j
Next i
End Sub
Private Function CheckForTag(TestObj) As TagTest
Dim InsetPresent As Boolean, OutsetPresent As Boolean
InsetPresent = InStr(1, TestObj.Tag, InTag) > 0
OutsetPresent = InStr(1, TestObj.Tag, OutTag) > 0
If InsetPresent Then CheckForTag = Inset
If OutsetPresent Then CheckForTag = Outset
If Not (InsetPresent Or OutsetPresent) Then CheckForTag = None
If InsetPresent And OutsetPresent Then CheckForTag = Two
End Function
Public Function CheckMask(TempMask As String) As String
Dim i As Integer, CharPos As Integer
Dim Character As String, StartLen As Integer
StartLen = Len(TempMask)
If StartLen = 0 Then Exit Sub
i = i + 1
Character = Right(Left(TempMask, i), 1)
CharPos = InStr(1, VALID_CHARS, Character)
If Not CharPos > 0 Then
TempMask = Left(TempMask, i - 1) & Right(TempMask, Len(TempMask) - i)
i = i - 1
End If
Loop Until i = Len(TempMask)
CheckMask = TempMask
End Function
Private Sub UserControl_WriteProperties(PropBag As PropertyBag)
PropBag.WriteProperty "HighlightColor", HColor, vb3DHighlight
PropBag.WriteProperty "ShadowColor", SColor, vb3DShadow
PropBag.WriteProperty "NeutralColor", NColor, vb3DFace
PropBag.WriteProperty "OutsetTag", OutTag, "/out"
PropBag.WriteProperty "InsetTag", InTag, "/in"
PropBag.WriteProperty "NumberMask", NMask, "1111"
End Sub
Private Sub DrawLine(LStyle As LineStyle, ControlName As Control, Level As Integer)
Dim TopLeft As Long, BottomRight As Long, TagTest As Integer
Dim SavedScaleMode As Integer, SavedTopLeft As Long
On Error Resume Next
If Not ControlName.Visible Then Exit Sub
SavedScaleMode = ControlName.Container.ScaleMode
ControlName.Container.ScaleMode = vbTwips
TagTest = CheckForTag(ControlName)
If TagTest < 1 Then Exit Sub
If LStyle = Neutral Then
TopLeft = NColor
BottomRight = NColor
ElseIf LStyle = Inward Then
TopLeft = SColor
BottomRight = HColor
ElseIf LStyle = Outward Then
TopLeft = HColor
BottomRight = SColor
End If
If TagTest = Inset Then
SavedTopLeft = TopLeft
TopLeft = BottomRight
BottomRight = SavedTopLeft
End If
ControlName.Container.CurrentX = ControlName.Left - (AdjustX * Level)
ControlName.Container.CurrentY = ControlName.Top - (AdjustY * Level)
ControlName.Container.Line -(ControlName.Left + ControlName.Width + (AdjustX * (Level - 1)), ControlName.Top - (AdjustY * Level)), TopLeft
ControlName.Container.Line -(ControlName.Left + ControlName.Width + (AdjustX * (Level - 1)), ControlName.Top + ControlName.Height + (AdjustY * (Level - 1))), BottomRight
ControlName.Container.Line -(ControlName.Left - (AdjustX * Level), ControlName.Top + ControlName.Height + (AdjustY * (Level - 1))), BottomRight
ControlName.Container.Line -(ControlName.Left - (AdjustX * Level), ControlName.Top - (AdjustY * Level)), TopLeft
ControlName.Container.ScaleMode = SavedScaleMode
End Sub